Email Marketing
Sleek e-shot and email campaigns that help
re-target your current customer base
Email marketing is a great way to tap into your existing customer list and help generate more work from existing clients.
It acts as a great reminder of the services you offer and the value you can bring to a business. It can help you sell products, share news, improve your cart abandonment rate and help tell a story.
We work with you to create an email template that’s right for your business, including copy and all required graphics.
So whether you’re welcoming new subscribers, notifying a customer of a sale, or simply reaching out, East Coast Design Studio can help you with any form of email marketing.
Get in touch with us.

Email Marketing Agency Norwich

Norwich based email marketing agency

specialising in sleek

e-shot and email campaigns

that help

re-target your current customer base

and generate repeat business.
We follow up on all of our

email marketing campaigns

with an email summary report; with relevant analytics, as well as a list of email addresses that opened/clicked on the newsletter – allowing to you directly market to, and follow up on leads you know are interested.

recent email marketing campaign

for regular client Dewing Grain had an open rate of 41%, 18% higher than the industry average. With a click rate of 12%, 9% higher than the industry average.
That’s why, when looking for

email marketing campaigns, Norwich

companies come to us.